Oct. 13, 2020

010 // How to Ace Group Projects in MBA // Doyoun Kim - Cornell Johnson 2021

010 // How to Ace Group Projects in MBA  // Doyoun Kim - Cornell Johnson 2021

You cannot talk about student life without mentioning homework and assignments. In MBA particularly, a lot of assignments are group projects based, which means, you have to work with other students and rely on each other to finish it together. It’s not ea

Meet Doyoun Kim 

Born and raised in South Korea, Doyoun is a second-year MBA student at Cornell Johnson. He worked for the automotive industry and experienced different roles in sales, marketing, and customer experience. While enjoying works there, Doyoun wanted to learn more about different parts of the world and to learn from people who have different backgrounds, so he came to US business school where he could belong to well-diversified student group. Doyoun did a summer internship at a management consulting firm and is targeting to join a start-up company as a business strategy consultant after building up more experiences about different industries and practices.  In this episode we talk about:
  1. Weed in the US
  2. Why are there so many group projects in MBA? 
  3. Challenges with group projects
  4. Group projects in the virtual setting 
  5. Advice for future MBA students
 // Connect with Doyoun  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-doyoun-kim/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryan_squ/ // Meet Jacob Yu and Jay Park, your MBAsians Hosts!  
// Jacob Yu 
Born and raised in Taiwan, Jacob worked in marketing and public relations at a tech company. At a young age, Jacob studied as a foreign exchange student in the US, understanding the challenges of being an international student. While studying at Ross, he has witnessed peers struggling in navigating MBA lives, motivating him to support and inspire others by creating the MBAsians Podcast.

Learn more about Jacob
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-ch-yu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobyutw/  
//  Jay Park
Born and raised in South Korea, Jay worked as a business developer and sales manager at an international trading company. Jay experienced countless trials and errors from preparation towards his MBA to adapting himself into first-ever foreign country life, motivating him to make MBAsians. As an adventure enthusiast, Jay is still continuing his life journey through MBA.

Learn more about Jay
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayp88/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaehongp88/  // Listen to MBAsians on all major platforms:

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Logo created by Michelle Nam 
Edited by Jay Tran  
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