
Sept. 13, 2021

038 // Justin Chon Interview - Blue Bayou Film

Justin Chon, writer, director, and star of the upcoming film Blue Bayou, joins Jerry on Episode 038 of Korean American Parenting to share his story of growing up in Southern California, his acting and film journey, and what inspires him to use his platfor
Sept. 6, 2021

037 // Back to School

Jang and Jerry share their first episode after they met in real life for the first time last weekend! They share their thoughts and concerns about our health and safety as our kids return to school.
Aug. 30, 2021

036 // Olympics Afterthoughts

We're back! Jang and Jerry are back on KAP to share their thoughts and perspectives about the Summer Olympics and what they're excited for in the fall!
June 21, 2021

035 // Happy Father's Day!

Jang and Jerry talk about what Father's Day and fatherhood means to both of them and their thoughts on how to best raise our children.
June 14, 2021

034 // Super Korean New Years with Grandma

Jang chats with the authors Super Korean New Years with Grandma authors Mary Chi-Whi Kim and Eunjoo Feaster!
June 7, 2021

033 // Career & Life Advice with Jang & Jerry

Jang and Jerry share their career journeys and advice for both parents and grown children!
May 31, 2021

032 // Korean American Mental Health

Jang and Jerry talk about mental health in our community and tips for parents to help our children better navigate mental health in their lives.
May 17, 2021

031 // Korean American Facts & Figures

Jang and Jerry discuss findings from Pew Research Center's new data on Korean Americans!
May 9, 2021

030 // Happy Mother's Day!

Jang and Jerry share stories about their mothers and what it means also to redefine motherhood and sacrifice for the next generation.
May 3, 2021

029 // Our evolving Asian American identities // HAPPY APAHM!

Jang and Jerry kick off Asian Pacific American Heritage month by sharing their own journeys into the Asian American identity and their goals for parenting their kids to have healthy Asian American identities as well.
April 26, 2021

028 // A conversation about early memories of being Korean American

Jang and Jerry share early memories of feeling othered and discriminated and share ways parents can help their children prepare for their own unfortunate encounters.
April 22, 2021

027 // An Update from Jang & Jerry

Jang and Jerry are back with an update on the direction of the show and why they decided to pivot. And two exciting personal updates from our hosts!
April 15, 2021

026 // Celina Lee // Career Coaching

Career and Executive Coach Celina Lee joins Jang and Jerry to share her story of going from careers in investment banking and law to helping others find fulfillment and meaning in their careers.
April 8, 2021

025 // Sunny Bai, PhD // Parenting Tips for Adolescents

Child Psychologist and Professor Sunny Bai joins us to share her perspectives and tips for raising happy and confident Korean American adolescent children. Fun fact: Sunny is Jerry's sister in law!
April 1, 2021

024 // AAPI Child Psychiatrist Roundtable

Join Jang and her fellow AAPI child psychiatrists Annie Li, Eunice Yuen, and Yesie Yoon as they share their best tips and thoughts on how to be tackle current events with your children. Recorded on Clubhouse on March 31, 2021.
March 26, 2021

023 // Ask Dr. Cho // Processing the Atlanta Tragedy and Talking About it with Family

Replay of the Clubhouse conversation hosted by Jerry and Jang on Tuesday March 23, 2021 as we process the Atlanta tragedy together and share tips on how to best talk about it with your family.
March 18, 2021

022 // Angela Kang, PhD // Social Emotional Learning for Children

Clinical Psychologist Angela Kang joins Jang to talk about social emotional learning for children and how we can best help parent them to be happy and confident children.
March 11, 2021

021 // William Kim // Navigating School from an Administrator's POV

Teacher turned administrator and dad William Kim, who also happens to be Jerry's childhood friend, joins the KAP Podcast to share his story on how he fell into and in love with teaching and his tips for navigating parenting and school from his unique pers
March 4, 2021

020 // Dr. Clara Lee // COVID-19, Vaccines, Schools and more

Dr. Clara Lee, a pediatrician and mother of two, joins Jang and Jerry to share her thoughts and expertise on COVID-19, vaccines, school, and more.
Feb. 25, 2021

019 // Ask Dr. Cho Live on Clubhouse!

You're listening to a live KAP Live Recording from Clubhouse on Feb 23, 2021. Thank you to everyone who joined in and especially to those who asked a question. Follow us on Clubhouse @jerrywon and @jang
Feb. 18, 2021

018 // Sharing Woori Culture with Nari Kye

Woori Show creator Nari Kye joins Jang and Jerry to share her journey into sharing our language, culture, and food leveraging her world class skills in video storytelling.
Feb. 11, 2021

017 // Teaching Korean + Homeschooling with Sandy of Korean4MyKids

Korean 4 My Kids founder Sandy joins us to share about her Korean language brand, raising three kids while homeschooling them, and tips for fellow Korean American Parents!
Feb. 4, 2021

016 // Feb Intro - Infants + Toddlers + Kinders

Jang and Jerry share their first newborn stories and previews what's coming up in February.
Jan. 28, 2021

012 // Jang Interview on Dear Asian Americans Part 2

A replay of Jang's interview on Dear Asian Americans Episode 021 where she joins Jerry to share tips on how to have difficult conversations with our children.