July 3, 2020

055 // Israa Nasir // Founder - Well.Guide // Let's Talk About Mental Health

055 // Israa Nasir // Founder - Well.Guide // Let's Talk About Mental Health

Meet Israa Nasir, Founder of Well.Guide, Psychotherapist, and Mental Health Advocate. We have a very timely and relevant discussion about mental health within the Asian American community in light of COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and other social issues.

Meet Israa Nasir!

We celebrate her academic and professional achievements amidst the challenges of growing up in three different and distinct cultures.

We support her mental health advocacy work through Well.Guide and her mission to normalize the topic.

We are inspired by her dedication to making mental health a normal and encouraged conversation within our communities.

About Israa:
Hi! I'm Israa, I'm a psychotherapist by training, a writer, and mental health advocate.  I'm Pakistani-Canadian mental health professional, currently living and working in New York City. I am passionate about Asian Diaspora issues, especially mental health, women, and the role of (im)migration on identity. I hope to reduce the stigma around mental health; and explore the interaction between mental health and South Asian identity, especially between first and second generation communities.  I also work towards increasing mental health awareness though writing for other publications, as well as my own website."


Connect with Israa!
Web: http://www.IsraaNasir.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/israan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/israanasir/

Discover Well.Guide:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/well.guide
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellguidebyisraa/


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